Conserving water in your landscape is a smart and eco-friendly way to save money, resources, and the environment. There are many strategies and tips that can help you reduce your water use and create a beautiful and sustainable outdoor space. Here are some of the most effective ways to conserve water in your landscape:
- Choose drought-tolerant plants that require less water. Add 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch to conserve moisture in the soil and protect roots. Amend soil with compost to increase soil’s water-holding capacity1.
- Group plants with similar watering needs together and use drip irrigation to deliver water directly to the roots. Water deeply but less frequently, and adjust with seasons and weather. Avoid watering during the hottest part of the day or when it is windy2345.
- Limit or eliminate grass lawn, which usually requires a lot of supplemental watering. Consider substituting a turf grass that uses less water than bluegrass, or creating a xeriscape with native and drought-tolerant plants235.
- Install a rain barrel or a cistern to capture rainwater for later use. You can use this water for your plants, or for other purposes such as washing your car or cleaning your tools265.
- Set sprinklers to keep the water on the landscape and off the pavement. Inspect your irrigation system monthly and fix any leaks or broken parts. Use a timer or a smart controller to automate your watering schedule and prevent overwatering234.
I hope these tips help you conserve water in your landscape. If you want to learn more, you can check out these web pages: How to Conserve Water in Your Garden and Landscape, Landscaping for Water Conservation, Conserve Water In Your Landscape, Water Wisely: Start in your own backyard, Watering Tips, and 17 Ways to Save Water in the Garden and Landscape.